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Case Study: Google

Pushing the boundaries of cross-channel passive campaign measurement
With the application of Audio Content Recognition Technology (ACR Technology) and geo-location software, we can now passively track exposure at a respondent level across all AV and outdoor channels.
For almost 5 years Beatgrid, OMD UK, and Google have been leaders in this space, with opt-in MRS compliant ACR technology and geo-location passive tracking being used across all major brand campaigns.
Despite being in the midst of the Covid Pandemic, we evolved and stretched the boundaries of our passive campaign tracking in early-2020, giving birth to the Google SuperPanel – which was awarded Best Research Innovation at 2021 Media Research Group (MRG) Awards.
We had ambitious measurement objectives for this study, centred around:
- Creating a single-source panel for holistic brand KPI tracking, which encompasses passive cross-channel campaign measurement, helping us connect shifts in brand perception to media.
- Measuring cross-media and cross-channel reach & frequency and evaluating this against planning tool estimates.
- Building a methodology that allows for pre-campaign brand predisposition, allowing us to incorporate the difference-in-differences technique into our campaign tracker study results.
- Being able to gauge brand decay rates on core KPIs, with the aim of influencing future flighting.

With a custom-made Dynata panel, over 7.5k respondents downloaded Beatgrid’s passive-ACR meter app (Media Rewards). Ultimately allowing us to connect survey responses to media exposure, helping us build more accurate Exposed and Control test groups to evaluate the performance of our offline campaigns.

This unique and innovative approach for campaign measurement has now become the gold standard and is helping us build measurement frameworks grounded in the use and application of both passive and survey data.

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