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Cross-Media & TV Ad Attribution

Maximize Campaign ROI with Cross-Media Single-Source Passive ACR Measurement.
Revolutionize Cross-Media and TV Ad Attribution with Single-Source Passive ACR Measurement.

Image of the Challenges of Measuring Cross-media TV Ad Attribution.

The challenges of attributing TV ads to specific business outcomes have long been a source of frustration for advertisers. In recent years, cross-media single-source passive automatic content recognition (ACR) measurement has emerged as a potential solution.

Tracking Ad Exposure With Single-Source ACR

Single-source ACR involves using a single data source, such as a TV provider, to track the exposure of an ad to an individual across multiple devices.

This allows advertisers to see how many times an ad was seen and on what devices, giving them a more comprehensive picture of its reach. One of the key benefits of this approach is that it allows advertisers to see the full impact of their TV ads, including the spillover effect on other devices. For example, if someone sees an ad on TV and then searches for the product on their phone later, single-source ACR would be able to track that. Another advantage of this approach is that it can provide a more accurate measurement of ad exposure. Traditional methods of measuring TV ad exposure, such as Nielsen ratings, rely on sampling, which means they may not capture the full extent of an ad’s reach. Single-source ACR, on the other hand, provides a complete view of an ad’s exposure. 

Challenges and Benefits of Using Single-Source ACR for TV Ad Attribution

Are the "pros" outweighing the "cons"? Looks like they do.

However, there are also some challenges to using single-source ACR for TV ad attribution. For example, it requires a high level of coordination among different stakeholders, such as TV providers, advertisers, and measurement companies. It also requires a significant amount of data processing, which can be resource-intensive. Despite these challenges, many advertisers are seeing the value in using cross-media single-source passive ACR measurement for TV ad attribution. By providing a more complete view of an ad’s exposure, it can help advertisers make more informed decisions about their media spend and improve the effectiveness of their TV ads.

Advertisers can tap into Deterministic TV and cross-media measurement Data & insights

Advertisers are want to extract valuable insights from granular and aggregated deterministic data.

Using single-source ACR for TV ad attribution is that it can provide more granular insights into consumer behavior. Advertisers can see not only how many times an ad was seen, but also when and where it was seen, as well as other factors such as the type of device and the context in which it was viewed. This can help advertisers understand the factors that drive engagement with their ads and tailor their campaigns accordingly. In addition, single-source ACR can help advertisers better understand the impact of their TV ads on other channels, such as digital and social media.

"Advertisers measuring and understanding which factors drive engagement with their cross-media advertising campaigns will be the ones with the ability to accurately tailor their ads to their audiences' wants and needs."

By tracking the cross-device exposure of an ad, advertisers can see how TV ads influence the behavior of consumers on other channels, and how this in turn drives business outcomes. Across the board, while there are challenges to using single-source ACR for TV ad attribution, the potential benefits make it an attractive solution for advertisers looking to improve the effectiveness of their TV campaigns. By providing a more complete view of an ad’s exposure and consumer behavior, it can help advertisers make more informed decisions and drive better business results.

Benefits to using passive mobile ACR panels in your cross-media measurement

1. A more comprehensive view of an ad's exposure.

One potential benefit of using passive mobile ACR panels in the cross-media audience measurement industry is that they can provide a more comprehensive view of an ad’s exposure. By tracking the exposure of an ad across multiple devices, passive mobile ACR panels can help advertisers see how many times an ad was seen and on what devices, giving them a more complete picture of its reach. This can help advertisers make more informed decisions about their media spend and improve the effectiveness of their campaigns.

2. Granular insights into consumer behavior.

Another potential benefit of using passive mobile ACR panels is that they can provide more granular insights into consumer behavior. By tracking the exposure of an ad across multiple devices, advertisers can see not only how many times an ad was seen, but also when and where it was seen, as well as other factors such as the type of device and the context in which it was viewed. This can help advertisers understand the factors that drive engagement with their ads and tailor their campaigns accordingly.

3. Better understand the impact of ads on other channels.

Furthermore, passive mobile ACR panels can help advertisers better understand the impact of their ads on other channels, such as TV, CTV, radio, digital, social media, and also out-of-home advertising. By tracking the cross-device exposure of an ad, advertisers can see how their ads influence the behavior of consumers on other channels, and how this in turn drives business outcomes. This can help advertisers optimize their campaigns across multiple channels and improve their overall effectiveness.

ACR Mobile Panels: the way to go For Accurate Cross-Media Measurement

Overall, the use of passive mobile ACR panels in the cross-media audience measurement industry can provide advertisers with a more complete and detailed understanding of their ad campaigns, which can help them make more informed decisions and drive better business results.

Picture of By Ian Alastair Hobkirk
By Ian Alastair Hobkirk

Digital Marketing Manager

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