Reshaping Cross-media
Ad Effectiveness Measurement

Single-Source Ad Measurement

Measure Incremental reach & ad effectiveness on the same person across the entire customer journey.

Stop Using Claimed Ad Exposure Data

Avoid Wasting Millions On Ineffective Media Investments.

  • Beware of using claimed ad exposure data that relies on inaccurate Big Data, data fusions, and modeling to match individual people with media exposure.
  • Without a Single-Source solution, there is always a painful lack of precision in cross-media R&F and Brand Lift metrics.

Non-IP-Based Measurement

Cookies, IPs and Big Data just don't make the cut in 2024

With consumers being increasingly privacy-centric cookie-based or IP-matching solutions are not reliable.

As the ‘cookie’ approach fades away and IP-matching-based solutions measure devices rather than individuals, you will only achieve imprecise results for the millions of ad spend invested in your campaigns.


Upgrade to accurate cross-media ad exposure data - no more claimed ad exposure.


Cross-Media R&F
Incrementality Measurement


Brand Lift Measurement


Retail Attribution Measurement


Image of the testimonial of Evros Agamemnonos, OMD UK-Insights Director, about Beatgrid single-source cross-platform measurement solution
Image of the testimonial of Richard Brandt, Vevo Director, about Beatgrid Cross-platform Measurement

The world's largest advertisers are already working with Beatgrid

Image of the logo of P&G
Image of the logo of Google
Image of the logo of Amazon ads
Image of the logo of Virgin
Image of the logo of McDonald's
Image of the logo of TheTradeDesk